Monday, October 14, 2013

One Delta Ten Tango

14 october, 2013 -- TalkingPointsMemo

Discussing Sarah Palin at the "Million Vet March" (that drew about 500 people).

"It’s time for the president to be honest with the American people for a change. Defaulting on our national debt is an impeachable offense, and any attempt by President Obama to unilaterally raise the debt limit without Congress is also an impeachable offense," she wrote. I see Palin is as adept at Constitutional law as she was governing the State of Alaska (albeit briefly).

Notice by this logic that no matter what he does, he should be impeached!!!

Well sure, because either way he's still black.

Yep, wbramh pretty much nails the opposition to the wall. Either way he's still black - and there are millions of conservatives that simply can't handle that truth.

Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Louis Gohmert, Paul Ryan, etc., etc. One Delta Ten Tangos.

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