Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Insane Clown Party

Yes, that political party would be the Republicans. For instance there's this from GOP Senator Lindsay Graham:

"We won't be the last political party to overplay our hand. It might happen one day on the Democratic side. And if it did, would Republicans, for the good of the country, kinda give a little? We really did go too far. We screwed up. But their response is making things worse, not better."

Or perhaps this from GOP Representative Peter King:

"This party is going nuts. So many people I run into who are normal people -- and I hate to use that term -- they just can't understand what's going on. On this one they can't even see both sides. They just think Republicans are crazy. That's it. They see no justification for any of this."

"Even if this bill passed tonight, what would it have done? After shutting down the government for two and a half weeks, laying off 800,000 people, all the damage we caused, all we would end up doing was taking away health insurance from congressional employees. That's it? That's what you go to war for? That's what we shut down the United States government for?"

This government can't function when one-half of it is clinically insane. It's time to schedule an intervention for anyone you know that is even considering voting for the Insane Clown Party.

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