WHUT can annoy some people with his constant peddling of his ENSO model, but I really can't blame him. He's found that ENSO is a largely deterministic process that can be both hindcast and forecast with pretty damn good accuracy -- especially when one considers that many believe that ENSO cannot be predicted more than 4 to 6 months in advance and that as a result natural variability in climate is chaotic and impossible to predict.
I've seen many dismiss WHUT's claims on general grounds, but never actually dispute any of the math or results. I can only assume they've never actually taken the 10 or 15 minutes time to look at his model and the results.
He has been treated like a crackpot in some venues and I'm either a fool or they are. Someone needs to tell me what's actually *wrong* with his model as opposed to just dismissing it out-of-hand. A simple graph like this should be enough to catch anyone's eye that's paying any attention whatsoever.
ENSO model for predicting El Nino and La Nina events
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